Medical Applications of Physics
Academic Year 2024-2025
Naurang Saini
The course is aimed to acquire knowledge of physical principles
and technologies behind the working of the equipments used in
research and biomedical diagnostics. In particular, imaging
techniques and instrumentation (imaging by x-rays, nuclear
medicine imaging, magnetic resonance imaging and ultrasound
imaging) and their working principles are discussed. The topics
Interaction of ionizing radiation with matter:
General properties of ionizing radiations: corpuscular and
electromagnetic radiations; Radioactivity and radioactive elements
decay series; natural and artificial radioactive sources.
Interaction of radiation with matter: absorption of ionizing
radiation. Effect of radiation at the molecular and cellular
levels; brief introduction to the radiation dosimetry.
Imaging with ionizing radiation:
Imaging methods using X-ray: interaction with matter, source,
detection, instrumentation and applications.
Projection imaging,
computed tomography (CT scan), instrumentation and methods of
image reconstruction.
*Imaging with radioisotopes:
interaction with matter, source, detection, instrumentation and
gamma camera (Anger camera), single photon emission tomography
(SPECT), positron emission tomography (PET), instrumentation and
Imaging with nuclear magnetic resonance (MRI):
principles, instrumentation and applications
Ultrasound imaging:
Methods of imaging with ultrasound: sources, interaction with
matter, detection, instrumentation and applications