Algorithms for dynamical mean field equations

A workshop at ENS Paris, June 4, 2019

Organisers: Alessandro Manacorda and Francesco Zamponi

  • Giampaolo Folena (Sapienza University, Rome)
  • Alessandro Manacorda (ENS, Paris)
  • Félix Roy (ENS, Paris)
  • Stefano Sarao (CEA, Saclay)

Dynamical mean field equations are currently being used to describe a variety of systems, from strongly correlated electrons to glasses, ecology, learning and inference.
The aim of this focused workshop is to discuss efficient algorithms to solve these equations, their perfomances, and how to improve them.

Workshop program (room 235A, 29 Rue d'Ulm, Paris)
12:00 Pizza lunch
13:00 Giampaolo Folena
13:45 Stefano Sarao
14:30 coffee break
15:00 Félix Roy
15:45 Alessandro Manacorda
16:30 end

Practical information:
There are no registration fees, however registration is mandatory, in order to organize the lunch. In order to register, please write an email entitled  "Workshop Dynamics" to Alessandro Manacorda (, indicating your name and affiliation. 

This workshop has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's 
Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement n° 723955 - GlassUniversality).